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Green Terra Alliance


Being Intentional About Business Sustainability

Business sustainability is an approach that recognizes corporate longevity is fundamentally connected to surrounding ecological and social systems. As demands for corporate responsibility continue to rise and calls for greater business transparency increase, more and more companies are recognizing their need to implement meaningful sustainability practices.

Green Terra Alliance Organic Waste and Garbage Treatment LLC. provides businesses a waste management solution that creatively reduces, recycles, and regenerates food and other organic waste destined for the landfill by turning it into fertilizer for the nation’s farmers.

This is accomplished by:

Our specialized equipment

Unlike other processes, we use specialized equipment to contain the gases and odors produced during composting and recycle the gases in the process.

Our proprietary process

Our proven process destroys pathogens, eliminates methane gas emissions and converts most by-products into liquid fertilizer for use in the agriculture industry.

Our holistic table-to-farm approach

We divert food waste that would normally go to local landfills, then use an environmentally friendly, proprietary process to produce high quality customized compost fertilizer.

Guided By Clear Values

We are passionate about saving the environment by reducing food waste.
We are confident that with our knowledge, our vision and our proprietary processes, we can efficiently and sustainably recycle food waste into compost.
We are disciplined in our approach to growing our business through sustainable means. We act responsibility to achieve our goals.
We believe in being as efficient as possible in everything we do, because efficient use of resources, both human and natural, is at the heart of environmental sustainability.