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Green Terra Alliance

Soil Sampling

Soil Sampling

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See below for description
Additional Analysis
Pathogen test (QPCR):
Solid and Liquid sample:

GTA Test Packages Price CAD
GTA:1 Basic Soil Analysis
PH (Water). PH (Buffer), P. K. S. Ca. Mg, Na, Fe. Mn, Cu, Zn, Al, B, CEC, %BS, LR, OM
GTA:2 Complete Soil Analysis
Basic Soil Analysis + Co, Mo, Se, Ba
Additional Analysis
Nitrate-N (NO3N) ($10), Ammonium-N ($10), CI ($10), EC ($10), Si ($150)
10.00 - 190.00
GTA:4 Standard Plant Tissue Analysis
P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, B, Na, Al
GTA:5 Complete Plant Tissue Analysis
Standard Tissue Analysis + MO, CO, Se
GTA:6 CHN Analysis: Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen analysis with C/N ratio 35.00
GTA:7 Pathogen Test (QPCR):  Club root ($50),  Root rot ($50)
Other Diseases ($50)
50.00 - 150.00
GTA:9 Solid and Liquid sample:  Compost,   Manure 60-120
Report Includes technical comments, guidelines, and recommendations